- Security is provided 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Security Phone Numbers: Office – 904.620.9128; Cell – 904.426.9697. All after-hours security assistance calls should be directed to the numbers listed above.
- General Safety Guidelines: For your safety, your cooperation is asked in observing the following building safety guidelines:
- Notify the Property Management Office of loiterers or suspicious persons in corridors or restrooms.
- Turn away all solicitors and report solicitors to the Property Management Office.
- Always lock your suite when there is no one in the office – even if you have just stepped out for a quick moment.
- Always remember to take your suite keys and building access card with you when you leave the premises.
- Keep corridor doors closed at all times.
- Do not leave personal valuables unguarded in reception areas, on desk tops or in unlocked drawers.
- Request a security escort to your car if you leave the building after dark.
- Notify the police and the Property Management Office of any crimes.
- Collect keys and building access cards from employees who have resigned or have been terminated from your firm. Notify Security to deactivate building access card.
- Copy and distribute these general guidelines to your entire office staff.
Office Security
We offer the following recommendations for your office security:
- Keys for entrance doors and cabinets, where valuables are kept, should be in a secure area.
- Lock all doors when leaving the premises at lunch or at the end of the business day.
- When an employee leaves your employment, consideration should be given to changing the lock cylinders and canceling their access fob.
- Employees should be cautioned about leaving articles of value, such as purses, jewelry, etc., in any unattended area.
- Instruct your personnel to notify their manager and the Property Management Office of anyone loitering in or about your premises.
- Notify the Property Management Office if persons are soliciting within the Building.
- Be suspicious of people who enter your office, and finding it attended, makes excuses that they have the wrong office or suite number.
- Keep your business checkbook and check writer under lock and key after 5:00 P.M.